How many sun salutations should I do this morning?
How many is enough?
What am I hoping the effect will be? Enough sun salutes to reverse the rotation of the earth on its axis? Turn back time? To when? To what?
How many prostrations should I perform this day?
As I go up and down where goes the focus of my body, speech and mind?
How many do I need?
What do the ancestors require?
What does our collective spirit require to find peace and wholeness?
What amount of sage and cedar and patchouli or rose water should I offer?
Do I choke out the entire house as though smoking out the demons, inviting what in for our hearts and our love?
What amount of sanitizing for spirit should I offer? What practices must I do?
What prayers do I choose today?
Our Father?
Hail Mary?
The Serenity Prayer?
What must I do this day?
I sit.
I practice.
I remain faithful and disciplined to connection to our one-ness, our journey toward love and peace, which is rocky and turbulent and perilous.
I sit.
I practice.
Breath. Presence. Love.
I sit.
I practice.