I am a digital news director at a newspaper. I’m also a yogini. Welcome to my desk.
Step into my world and take a glimpse. I often wonder how I walk the line between the pure emptiness and peace of my yoga practice and the hyper-broadband-instant-now news career I have.
So, welcome to my desk/command center. A Mac Core 2, operating parallel desktop so I can do the PC/Mac thing. Sometimes my Macbook is also on my desk connected to the network. But for the most part I run duals, not tris.
What is non-negotiable? Coffee. Let’s see. I think there are two cups in this frame. Then an empty water bottle from an office function (I’ve been reusing it on trips to the water fountain). What else here? Random pens in a Dallas Morning News memento. Oh, and my faux corkboard wall (it’s just leaning there). It has photos that keep my grounded. The Dalai Lama. My lama, Dudjum Dorje. A picture of my mom. Me and my dog. Blah blah.
Ah, you may have noticed my Rolodex. I don’t use it really. Except it is open to WZZM for my man Stanton Tang (what’s up Stanton?). But the stickie note has a story. It’s my very own WTF button. My buddy Kat decided that since Facebook hasn’t made this button yet, despite my suggestions, that she would make one for me. The high-tech editor with low-tech tools.
My terminals. Starting with the PC side. I need to be reminded of my name apparently and I must remember to be Patient! I was named Zogyal when I took refuge as a Buddhist. It means Patience. Not that I have it but that I must aggressively and continuously seek it. It’s my practice, not my perfect. (Oh, look, there’s HootSuite on my screen! Totally random)
My Mac side screams yoga and naptime!
I need to remember to breathe at my desk. Really I do. I find I can hold my breath while I type. What’s up with that?
Yes, I have rocks and Chinese medicine balls. Never know when you’ll need either in the workplace.
So that’s the desk of a digital news director/yogini. I think there’s balance in it. Fast and slow. Real and intangible. Serious and a little batty.
Just Being me!