Do you feel disconnected from heritage and ritual? Was ceremony central to your ancestors but is absent from your daily life? Do you find yourself seeking mindfulness, meditation and other “new age” practices in hopes of solace but find something lacking?
Join us for the Four Directions Healing workshop at Just B Yoga June 9, noon-2 p.m. The cost is $20. Please email [email protected] if you need a scholarship or financial assistance.
Honor your body temple, creating body-spirit ritual
Healing ancestral trauma, calling forth ancestral wisdom
Create tribe
Connect to the Mother Earth
As people of color we hail from indigenous tribes which have all suffered oppression, rape, genocide, marginalization and erasure. This movement and ritual-based workshop will help participants explore the impact of those wounds in our day-to-day lives, how to honor them and foster healing in a positive way and how to create intentional tribe and ritual in our immediate community. The issues reside in our tissues. This workshop is designed to provide participants tools to implement healing practices for body, mind, spirit to survive, heal and thrive in today’s world.
Belinda Thurston, she/her/they, of African and Japanese descent, is a griot, teacher, healer of multiple disciplines.
She will share aspects of these disciplines offering participants ways to reconnect with our innate wisdom to foster healing and growth.
The workshop involves movement, sound and music, sharing and silence.
Non-people of color are welcome with the understanding this is a healing space for the trauma of racial and ethnic injustice, spiritual reparation from oppression and in need of recovering our birthright healing modalities which have often been exploited and appropriated. We all have healing to do.
Belinda first presented this workshop in conjunction with the MSU Women of Color Initiative and the art exhibit “By Way of Revolution” by Helina Metaferia this February and March. Her inspirational exhibit should be making its way to San Francisco later this year so look for it if you’re on the West Coast.