Category: community


Student profile: Laurel Tilot

Name: Laurel Tilot Pronoun: She/her/they When did you start coming to Just B Yoga? What attracted you? Summer 2017. I had two friends from work who frequently talked about the studio and I had just finished my first ever power yoga course over at Lake State Crossfit. I wanted something in a different environment that


Just B Yoga included on Pay-What-You-Can website

Just B Yoga is honored to be included in a website-directory of businesses across the U.S. and Canada which use alternative economic models (free, work exchange, barter, donation, pay-it-forward). The site, Pay What Online Guide, is vibrant and rich with businesses off all kinds across the country. There’s restaurants like Panera Cares Cafe in Dearborn. There’s


Student profile: The Hillstroms

Name: The Hillstroms, Joe and Claudia Pronoun: Mr. and Mrs.   When did you start coming to Just B Yoga? What attracted you? 2013   Why did you begin practicing yoga? To avoid old age aches and pains. Joe was recovering from osteoarthritis in his spine and I needed to exercise (plain and simple). I

Donate to Just B Yoga

Our studio exists because of donations and support from the community. We believe yoga should be affordable and accessible to all. Please consider supporting our mission:

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