Category: mindfulness

Just B Blog

Noticing the color purple

There is a Lavender Farm in Lansing, just north of Old Town. It’s called Sixteen Sprigs.  It’s off Cesar Chavez on Clifton.         It’s amazing how beauty is right in front of all. We just have to open our eyes. Or change our patterns. Or walk a different route. Or turn a


Love the hater, forgive the hate

Recently, while at a protest against the separation of children from their parents at the southern border, I found myself surrounded by friends. It seemed every few moments someone came up to give me an embrace. I was touched at how many people I know from different walks of life, some attached to Just B


#Metoo, Buddhism and Healing

My first experience with Buddhism was at a monastery in Wappingers Falls, N.Y. in the late 1990s. I took a fellow journalist to an introduction to meditation. It was in a listing in the alternative newspaper and it was free.   It was led by Lama Norlha, the abbot there.   My friend was itching

Just B Blog

Just B Yoga founder, Belinda Thurston, to speak at social justice summit

Last year I had the pleasure of meeting Nancy Candea, director of Yoga Impact and the International Yoga Therapy Institute. She had heard of the work Just B Yoga does with accessibility and inclusion and wanted me to share the concept with her teacher trainees in New Jersey via web cam. (see video below) It

Just B Blog

Just B Yoga helps make social justice workshops trauma-informed

Just B Yoga founder, Belinda Thurston, has been contracted to work with the Ingham County Health Department to revise its Health Equity and Social Justice Workshop. The workshop has been doing groundbreaking work for nearly a decade, training employees and the public about how privilege and oppression affect access to public health. Belinda is being

daily practice

Step by step: Revelations in a walking meditation

I led a group of about 7 people on a walking meditation recently. It was one of my workplace clients and our room had been changed to a conference room. I removed as many distractions from the room as I could. We cleared the white board of the project work that was scribbled there. We

Just B Blog

The benefits of meditation at work

We started a new contract offering midday meditation twice a week for employees at the Board of Water & Light this year. The first session, at the old depot station, started with just a handful of people, seated on the floor with essential oils diffusing. But a steady stream of late-comers tip-toeing in reflected the


Yoga 1.0 series starts Jan. 7

What is yoga? Is it a religion? What’s the OM? I’m not flexible. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m not advanced enough.   Yoga. So ancient and yet so foreign to many of us. We are bombarded with images online or in magazines of perfectly sculpted bodies in seemingly impossible contorted grace. We are


Just say no to on-the-go yoga

Slow down. That’s the theme of our Monday night Yin Yoga with Donnielle and the Restorative Yoga class on Tuesday nights with Heather. Slow DOWN. Everything doesn’t have to be GO, GO, GO Why would we want to take that attitude with us on the yoga mat if that’s what we face every second off

daily practice

What am I supposed to feel in my yoga?

“What am I supposed to be feeling?”   This is a common question in yoga classes. What am I supposed to be feeling in this pose? In my body? What is it supposed to feel like? What “should” it be like, feel like?   And quite honestly, the best answer I feel any teacher can


How tai chi can help your yoga practice

I’ve been playing tai chi for far longer than I’ve practiced yoga asana regularly. So my meditation in movement has always been slow and purposeful and full of strength as well as ease. Recently I’ve come to realize just how much that practice influences my relationship to yoga asana. My sequencing is fluid. My steps

daily practice

Meditation on the go

A student recently asked if I had any resources for meditation on the road. They have a long commute and they have a stressful job. So they wanted something to listen to in order to keep their connection to calm heading into work and leaving. As I scrounged up some of my favorites I thought

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