Tag: yoga

daily practice

Meditation on the go

A student recently asked if I had any resources for meditation on the road. They have a long commute and they have a stressful job. So they wanted something to listen to in order to keep their connection to calm heading into work and leaving. As I scrounged up some of my favorites I thought

daily practice

Distracted Peace: Yoga and meditation amidst the noise

The yoga mats are full of silent, almost sleeping students. The soft breathing marks the stillness. The scent of sage and sandalwood waft through the room. Then the thunderous rumble of big rig tires and hydraulics go past the front window. Or the sound of a dog barking, its claws scurry back and forth come

daily practice

Placid effort

Stillness is a practice that can evade, elude and still entrance. This past weekend I had the blessing of a private beach camping experience . It was a long overdue vacation. The weather was clear albeit chilly. Restoration would be mine! I was actively planning my nothing time. I was going to immerse in this

Just B Blog

Meet new teacher Veronica and her Slow Flow Yoga class

Join us in welcoming Veronica Vachon as a new teacher at Just B Yoga. She completed her 200 HR yoga certification last fall at East Lansing Hot Yoga. She teaches several classes there and at Haslett Community Church. Her bio: Veronica started dabbling, very lightly, in yoga about 10 years ago. After years of practicing

Just B Blog

Just B Yoga garden volunteers needed!

Are you passionate about gardening and fresh  veggies? Do you want to be a party of Lansing’s only yoga garden? We need at least two garden volunteers to help tend to the garden this season. It needs to be turned and planted. Julie Cotton, a sustainable agriculture professor at MSU, will provide guidance and coordination

Just B Blog

New yoga classes starting May!

We are excited to offer two new classes on schedule with new teachers who completed our teacher training program. These classes start the first week of May. Sign up HERE and enjoy these new restorative and fun classes.   Spirit Flow with Elige. 6 p.m. Tuesday (Level 1-3) Connect with the voice of your spirit


Do you want to teach at Just B Yoga?

Are you passionate about making yoga accessible to all bodies? Do you have experience creating inclusive environments? Are you a yoga instructor who understands yoga isn’t just about stretching the body but the mind and spirit? We’d love to have you join us! We are seeking 200HR or 500HR certified yoga instructors to teach yoga

Just B Blog

All are welcome at Just B Yoga, even if you voted for Trump

Facebook message to Just B Yoga: “…Also, in response to Thursday’s post, does the studio’s philosophy of diversity & inclusion extend to those who are non-political or who have alternative political views? I presume the answer is yes… (Alternative, as in alternative to yours.)” Of course my answer was yes. And this blog post could

Just B Blog

There is no perfect way to do a yoga posture

I don’t believe there is a perfect way to do a posture, or someone doing a posture perfectly. If I’m breaking some yoga commandment, so be it. It’s a part of the reason I don’t take a ton of pictures of me doing yoga. First of all, I don’t want it to be seen as

daily practice

Yoga is all in my head

Most of my yoga practice is all in my head lately.   It starts off like this: I roll out my mat in my meditation room and feel the hips in a lunge, maybe a pigeon first off. My back has an argument with me. My left sacrum argues with me. My right rotator cuff

Just B Blog

Saucha lesson: Self-care is not selfish

My new teacher trainees have to spend this week giving something up (bramacharya) and inviting something pure into their lives (saucha). I thought it best if I did it with them. Wouldn’t be cool to have them practicing these disciplines and observing what comes up and I just sit on the sidelines munching anything I

Just B Blog

Yoga with hand pan performance: Believe

There is a stillness inside of every note that Jeremy Arndt plays. It’s a palpable soft cloud of energy carried by some of the most beautiful vibrations ears can perceive. That’s how I feel when in the presence of his hang drum (hand pan) and didjeridoo. That’s what I wanted to help people feel and

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Our studio exists because of donations and support from the community. We believe yoga should be affordable and accessible to all. Please consider supporting our mission:

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