Spotlight: Deandra
Yoga to me is a safe place. I feel the most safe and feel the most freedom to be me when I am on the mat and practicing. Yoga allows me to think about myself and what I need and my body needs at the time.
Yoga to me is a safe place. I feel the most safe and feel the most freedom to be me when I am on the mat and practicing. Yoga allows me to think about myself and what I need and my body needs at the time.
How has yoga surprised you?
I never expected that when I was looking for an exercise class I would find a community. People who have changed me for the better by simply being them. I never thought I would meet a teacher who would not only invest time in me but would also invest time in my child. I really look forward to the days that I can bring her with me to the studio and let her experience all of what yoga truly is.
I discovered my Yoga practice later in life (I was over 50 or VINTAGE as B would say). It has been a continuing journey of learning and thoughtfulness. My practice has helped me to BREATHE and try to stay calm when things upset me. I really do enjoy the sense of community that I get from the group.
Just B Yoga is pleased to welcome aboard Fiza (pronounced Fizz-uh) Irfan as a new right hand as Program Assistant and assistant to Belinda. Fiza’s credentials and connections to the community are mind-blowing. Their energy and passion are enviable. We are fortunate to have Fiza help us chart our future and serve the community. Fiza
We welcome Jessica Posz as an yoga program assistant. She will be helping with our video production and our yoga programs. She may be answering some of our Facebook posts and messages. She is in yoga teacher training and we know she will be adding good energy to our community. From Jessica: Namaste. I am
Constance Haywood is a Just B Yoga student, a grad student and a student of life! She’s trying to keep her head and heart in the right place as she navigates the coronavirus pandemic. She’s still working and juggling social distancing and self-care. A lot is said about how the COVID19 pandemic is bringing out
Name: Amy Henderson Pronoun: They When did you start coming to Just B Yoga? November 2017 What attracted you? My friend Nikki encouraged me to try it out. Why did you begin practicing yoga? I knew I needed to get off my couch. Having a bilateral knee replacement, I was curious if could do it.
Name: Betty Gauthier Pronoun: She, her, hers When did you start coming to Just B Yoga? What attracted you? Early 2017 I believe. I greatly appreciated the diversity of the classes and the love and acceptance of all people regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity. As a sexual abuse survivor I felt
Name: Kendra Pyle Kanaboshi Pronoun: she/her/hers When did you start coming to Just B Yoga? What attracted you? My fiancé (now husband), Naoki, and I started coming to Just B Yoga in late fall 2015. Naoki did a search for yoga studies online. I was attracted to the studio because it is community-focused and makes
Name: Laurel Tilot Pronoun: She/her/they When did you start coming to Just B Yoga? What attracted you? Summer 2017. I had two friends from work who frequently talked about the studio and I had just finished my first ever power yoga course over at Lake State Crossfit. I wanted something in a different environment that
Name: The Hillstroms, Joe and Claudia Pronoun: Mr. and Mrs. When did you start coming to Just B Yoga? What attracted you? 2013 Why did you begin practicing yoga? To avoid old age aches and pains. Joe was recovering from osteoarthritis in his spine and I needed to exercise (plain and simple). I
Our studio exists because of donations and support from the community. We believe yoga should be affordable and accessible to all. Please consider supporting our mission:
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